Qualified Supervisor

As an Expert Therapist, Ms. Pamela Hand, LCSW, CAP, CTT
can help you to address:

Qualified Supervisor LCSW & LMHC

Florida Department Of Health Board Qualified Supervisor

Providing Weekly Face to Face Supervision

Monthly Group via Online

Assist with keeping your hours organized so you can reach your Licensing Goals.

Seeking A Supervisor

I want to offer you my support and experience when seeking a supervisor.

By the time I was finishing my bachelor’s degree I was already gathering information to make my decisions of how to choose my supervisor. I was already working in the field and started to hear some troubling stories that I could not afford to get caught up in. Like, some people were able to find free supervisors. Oh, that appealed to me. How do I do that? Others reported that they worked in a place where supervision was part of their employment perks however if their supervisor left, they didn’t have hours signed off on and they had to find a new supervisor on their own. They often complained that the time of supervision was either not completed or interrupted by other job-related duties the supervisor had.
Choosing a Supervisor is one of the most important decisions of your educational career.

By the time I was ready, toward the end of my Bachelor program, I already knew my specialties. Mental Health Disorders and Trauma. I had no idea who would be my supervisor. As I started my master’s program, I walked into the classroom with one of our adjunct Professors for Trauma. I knew instantly that I would want her as my Supervisor. I had to pursue her. She didn’t make it easy and she was not cheap. Definitely not free like I had heard others discuss.

I could tell right away she was not going to be easy or make the next two years go by without me having to put in the work. It was a huge commitment, and I am forever grateful for believing in my commitment to my work and all that she provided and supported me through.
She taught me how to be a great therapist and excellent supervisor who in turn is committed to my supervisee’s process.

It was no joke! She kept track of every hour. She did not let me slide even with being 10-15 mins late. She walked me through the process of completing my supervision paperwork and when it was time for completion, she walked me through that too. I never had to worry if I would have everything I needed to become licensed. I could trust that I would.

She provided me with instrumental information and processing of trauma experiences. Prepared as a Trauma therapist, I always felt equipped to walk into a group room or individual session to assist patients with their trauma.

Today, I enjoy assisting new therapists in preparing them to feel safe as the authority of their sessions whether for group or individual. I enjoy listening to their case conceptualizations and supporting the therapist with ideas, direction, and education to help you prepare to be the best therapist you can be.

If you are committed to obtaining your licensure, want to ensure that you will have someone organized with the licensing approved paperwork to begin and end your supervision experience, and someone who will not be interrupted by other tasks but rather focused on you, without the concern of discontinuing your supervision before completion, consider Pamela. Dedicated, committed to you and your patients to provide you with the best Supervision experience you deserve.


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